Our mission is to take care of people by providing gracious service and beautiful delicious food.


Our creative and talented team has been a part of the food, catering and event community for more than 25 years. With our combined experience in hospitality, culinary arts, fine dining, event design and planning we collectively create some of the best food, service and ambiance found at events.


To inspire moments of joy and abundance through food, drink and hospitality.

To create unique and valued experiences for our employees, community, clients and industry partners.

To be committed stewards of the environment by continually being a more sustainable and progressive leaning business.


The Blended Table is dedicated to serving the highest quality food and beverages while maintaining mindfulness of our environmental impact. We seek out Seafood Watch’s recommendations for sustainable choices and procure fresh, local and regional, seasonal and organic products whenever possible.

In 2017 we received the Utah Recycling Zero to Zero award for making a monumental reduction in our landfill waste by composting green waste, recycling metal, cardboard, glass, and as much plastic as possible. We employ this same diligence not only in our shop and kitchen but at off site catered events as well.

In addition to our food and environmental commitments, we are also highly committed to supporting and serving our local community by providing creative, gracious and high quality event related services. We routinely donate, participate, host and help organize community events and fundraisers.

And finally, we are devoted to our extraordinary team as we continually seek ways to fuel creativity and growth while providing fair and livable wages for all of our staff.

The moment you start to pursue service through the lens of hospitality, you understand there’s nobility in it.
— Will Guidara